Friday, August 14, 2009

Welcome back! 1956!

This may become a good place to post your latest info for the rest of the class to visit.

Let Ginny know changes and additions to your information. She has been keeping track of us. She will pass along your information to me. I will not post your private information here (except for obits, which are public notices), unless you add it as a "comment" or you ask me to do it for you.

I will develop this farther in the future, with the idea that your information is private. As an example, I am known here and in the "blogosphere" as "el Grillo". You know me as the old class president.

We had a banquet on Saturday night and met for brunch on Sunday morning.

If you haven't become a "blogger" you will need to register to make a comment, but you can read the comments just by clicking on "COMMENTS" below.

Registering is free and easy. Write this down on a piece of paper:
Click on "Create Blog" up in the right corner (I know it's dumb, just do it)
You will get a "1. Create a Google Account" page.
Follow the instructions. (My "display name" is el grillo)(Unclick "Email notification" unless you need junk mail)(Click "Acceptance of Terms") (Put on your bifocals)(Type in the secret code) You are done. Don't start a blog! You are DONE!
Wasn't that easy?